Dear Mr. Lakstyo,
As specified in the Scholarship Information Brochure under Education page on the Embassy’s website (, the application for the GCSS scholarship has to be forwarded, in six sets complete in all respects, with all supporting documents, by mail only (its mean the ‘hard copy’). The application dossiers must reach the Education Wing of the Embassy on or before the deadline of 21 January 2011. I hope the explanation is clear enough… 😀
Regards, Deni SK
— On Tue, 14/12/10, koplax_lax wrote:
From: koplax_lax Subject: [beasiswa] Re: [INFO] Indian Government Scholarships 2011 To: Date: Tuesday, 14 December, 2010, 9:45 AM
Saya sudah liat webnya dan liat form application-nya. Tapi saya bingung cara apply untuk beasiswa ini. Apakah lewat online atau hard-copy lalu dikirim ke kedubes? Karena saya download .pdf application form-nya ternyata berupa hasil scan dokumen fisik. Lalu bagaimana cara mengisinya? Mungkin rekan2 disini ada yang bisa memberi penjelasan. Terima kasih
Regards Lakstyo Frilsya T
— In, “Iwan Adhicandra” wrote: > > The Government of India offers, every year, 20 scholarship slots to meritorious students from Indonesia to pursue their higher studies in Indian universities and colleges. The scholarships are granted for studies at Undergraduate & Post-graduate levels and in research subjects under M.Phil. and Ph.D. > > The scholarships are administered by the Indian Council of Cultural Relations (ICCR) under its General Cultural Scholarships Scheme (GCSS). Applications for scholarships under this scheme are invited in the month of November- December every year. These scholarships are also available for nationals of Timor Leste. > > Applications need to be submitted to the Embassy of India in Jakarta only and not direct to ICCR or the concerned University. > > Under the Scheme, Living Allowance, Contingent Grant, accommodation charges, Tuition Fee and other benefits, including medical and study tour to the students selected for scholarships are provided. However, the cost of air passage to India and back is not covered. > > Further details of the scholarships, including the eligibility criteria and the terms & conditions of the scholarships, can be perused in the following documents: > > Scholarship Information Brochure > Scholarship Application Booklet > > > > Deadline: 22 January 2011 >