Re: [beasiswa] [Butuh Info] Beasiswa Master di Swedia dari The Swedish Institute-application fee

Memang umumnya setau saya program studi di swedia memerlukan application fee.  Jadi tak khusus Indonesia kok.


Unggul Sagena

On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 10:35 AM, christianto werx <> wrote:


Dear milister,
Saya sudah coba mendafatr lewat dan memilih program yg sy inginkan. Namun kemudian saya dikirim email untuk segera membayar application fee agar segera diproses. Apakah memang peserta dr Indonesia terbebani application fee ini?

From: Ricky Supriyadi <>
Sent: Friday, December 9, 2011 9:28 AM
Subject: Re: [beasiswa] (INFO) Beasiswa Master di Swedia dari The Swedish Institute


Indonesia masuk ke kategori 2 karena nama Indonesia termasuk dalam DAC list of ODA recipients (sebagai lower middle income territories) berdasarkan kategori yg dibuat OECD (reference: Justru negara-negara balkan menjadi EXCEPTION untuk apply di kategori 2 (berdasarkan keterangan yg di post oleh Erlangga) karena sudah ada program scholarship untuk negara mereka masing-masing. 

On Fri, Dec 9, 2011 at 12:45 AM, Andre Nikola <> wrote:


ada 2 kategori. kategori pertama  utk calon mahasiswa dr negara2 afrika. sedangkan kategori kedua utk mrk dari kawasan balkan. negara2 di asia gak ada yg masuk eligibility . CMIIW

— On Tue, 12/6/11, erlangga.darius <> wrote:

From: erlangga.darius <>
Subject: [beasiswa] (INFO) Beasiswa Master di Swedia dari The Swedish Institute
Date: Tuesday, December 6, 2011, 10:04 AM


Dear milister…

Bergembiralah buat teman2 yang mau sekolah ke swedia. Mulai tahun ini, sudah ada beasiswa buat Master di Swedia dari The Swedish Institute. Keterangan lebih lanjut buka link:

Saya juga dapet info ini setelah googling2 iseng, padahal awalny sudah down duluan karena yg menurut saran2 sebelumnya kan daftar ke Guest Scholarship padahal skrg cuma bisa buat PhD dan PostDoc. Sekarang ternyata sudah dibuka program baru ini.

Secara garis besar, kita disuruh apply sekolah dulu. Kalau sudah diterima, baru bisa daftar beasiswa ini.



The Swedish Institute Study Scholarships
The Swedish Institute Study Scholarships target highly-qualified students from the countries listed below. About 120 scholarships will be awarded for studies in Sweden, starting in August 2012. The scholarship covers both living costs and tuition fees.

Please note that in order to apply for a Swedish Institute Study scholarship the student must first be admitted to a Swedish university/university college. The application period for study programs opens 1 December, 2011.

The application period for Swedish Institute Study scholarship will be March 14-25, 2012.
The program is open to candidates from two different categories of countries.

Category 1:
Candidates with citizenship from the following countries: Bangladesh, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia.

Within this category around 60 scholarships will be awarded.

Category 2:
Candidates with citizenship from countries on the DAC list of ODA recipients, with the following exceptions: Albania, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Georgia, Kosovo, Moldova, Russia, Serbia, Turkey and Ukraine.

Citizens from Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine can apply within the Visby Program.

Citizens from Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Kosovo and Serbia can apply within the program SI Scholarships for East Europe.

Citizens from Turkey can apply within the Swedish-Turkish Scholarship Program.

Within this category around 60 scholarships will be awarded.

Scholarships are intended for studies in Sweden starting in the fall semester 2012 (August) and focus mainly on master’s level. A few scholarships will be awarded for studies at bachelor’s level.

Who is eligible?
The scholarships are intended for students from the above-mentioned target group for full time studies in Sweden. There is no age limit for scholarship holders.
Scholarships cannot be granted for students who:

Have already lived in Sweden for two years or more previous to the scholarship period.
Have a Swedish permanent residence or work permit.
Have previously been awarded a Swedish Institute scholarship for studies at Master’s level or for research at a Swedish university.
Already hold a Master’s degree from a Swedish university/university college.
Are currently enrolled in a study program on Bachelor’s or Master’s level at a Swedish university or university college.
How to apply for a scholarship
Prior to applying for a scholarship, the student must first apply for a study program at Master’s or Bachelor’s level via, an online application service for study programs in Sweden.

About 600 different study programs at Swedish universities are eligible for a scholarship. The programs have been selected by the Swedish universities and cover a wide variety of study areas. The list of eligible study programs can be found here.

As soon as the results of Swedish university admission have been published at, the online service for the Swedish Institute Study Scholarships will open. Please note that only admitted students can apply for a scholarship. The scholarship application period will be March 14-25, 2012. A list of successful candidates will be published at and in mid-April.

More information about the application procedure can be found here.

Scholarship benefits and period
The scholarship covers both the tuition fee (which is paid directly to the Swedish university/university college by the Swedish Institute) and living expenses to the amount of SEK 8,000 per month.

The scholarship is only awarded for programs starting in the fall semester 2012 (August) and is granted for of one academic year, i.e. for two semesters at a time. It will be extended for programs longer than two semesters provided that the study results are satisfactory.

The scholarship is designed to cover living costs and study expenses for the scholarship holder. There are no grants for family members. The granted scholarship period cannot be altered or extended beyond the study program period nor can the scholarship be transferred to another study program at a Swedish university.

SI Network for Future Global Leaders
All Swedish Institute scholarship holders are invited to become members of the SI Network for Future Global Leaders – a network that offers unique opportunities during and after the stay in Sweden. Together with other talented people from all around the world, the scholarship holder is able to take part in a variety of events, exchange ideas and create networks that benefit both to career and personal development.

Travel grants
Scholarship holders will receive a travel grant in connection with the scholarship. The travel grant is a one-time payment of SEK 10.000.

Scholarship holders are insured by the Swedish State Group Insurance against illness and accident during the scholarship period.

gtalk: r.supriyadi
skype: ricky.supriyadi
twitter: @rickysupriyadi
facebook: ricky.supriyadi

Best Regards,

Unggul Sagena
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