Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Criminology/Sociology of Law at University of Oslo, Norway

One position is avalable at the University of Oslo, Faculty of Law, Department of Criminology and Sociology of Law. The Postdoctoral researcher will become part in a vibrant research community.

For information on the Department of Criminology and Sociology of Law, please see

The main purpose of the postdoctoral research fellowships is to qualify researchers for higher academic positions. The fellowship period is 4 years and within the position is assigned a teaching component of 25 %. It is required that the appointed candidate takes courses to be granted certification of basic teaching skills at a university level within the 4 year period.

Applicants must hold a degree equivalent to a Norwegian PhD/doctoral degree. Candidates who have submitted their doctoral thesis for an evaluation at a Norwegian research institution before the closing date for the application may also apply. For candidates writing their doctorate at a foreign research institution, the doctoral thesis must be completed and approved within five months after the closing date. The doctoral thesis as well as letter of confirmation from the research institution must be submitted together with the application.

Baca Juga:   University Doctoral Studentships, City University London, UK

The applicant shall submit a project proposal for the planned research. This proposal shall include a plan for the progress of the research. The applicant is expected to be able to complete the project during the period of appointment. In ranking the applicants, emphasis will be on originality of thought, diversity of perspectives and an analytical approach. Quality and originality rather than quantity will be emphasised.

Applicants are requested to submit a complete overview of their education, former positions and other relevant experience, a complete publication list and up to five scholarly publications. The submitted publications must be in English or in a Scandinavian language unless otherwise specifically agreed upon.

Personal suitability and co-operation skills will receive special attention in the selection process. Short listed applicants may be invited for an interview at the University of Oslo.

Baca Juga:   Re: [beasiswa] Re: [Butuh info] Phd di UK,susah dapat beasiswa utk non EU?

Applicants must within the closing date submit four copies of:
A letter of application A research proposal, maximum 10 pages A CV ( a complete overview of the applicants’s education, former positions and other relevant experience) Copies of certificates, diplomas and recommendations (in English or Scandinavian, or with certified translations into English). Foreign applicants are advised to attach an explanation of their university’s grading system. Up to five scholarly publications. If the submitted publications are co-authored, the division of work between the authors must be confirmed in the form of a co-author statement.

The University of Oslo is an equal opportunity employer and particularly seeks to recruit more women and more ethnic minorities in academic positions. Both women and ethnic minorities are therefore encouraged to apply.

Baca Juga:   European Master in System Dynamics, Erasmus Mundus, Europe

The University of Oslo has an agreement for all employees aiming to secure rights to research results,
cf. intellectual property rights.

Guidelines for appointments to postdoctoral research fellowships at the University of Oslo may be obtained at:

For further information please contact
the Head of the Department, Professor Kristian Andenæs, tel. (+47) 22 85 01 05 ,, or the Head of the Administration Turid Eikvam, tel. (+47) 22 85 01 45,

Pay Grade: 57- 63 (from 435 500 to 505 400 NOK, depending on qualifications and seniority.

Closing date: September 1st 2010 2010/6437

The application with reference number 2010/6437 and including requested attachments should be sent in quadruplicate to:

The Faculty of Law,
P.O. Box 6760 St. Olavs plass,
NO-0130 Oslo,

Application papers may instead be sent via e-mail to:, with publications sent separately to the postal address.
