Postdoc Position in Hydrogen Storage by Adsorption in Porous Materials at ENSTA ParisTech

Postdoctoral Position Proposal for 2011
Topic : Hydrogen adsorption in porous materials.

The Department of Process Engineering at ENSTA is involved in the determination of the ad-sorption properties of Covalent Organic Framework materials which could be used for hydrogen storage. The main’s goal project is a development of a new media for hydrogen storage and the research associated will have an important experimental side. The first part of the work consists of the synthesis and the characterization of the materials and the second part concerns the study of the hydrogen adsorption capacity of the synthetized porous solids. The measurements of the adsorption properties will be performed at low pressures using volumetric methods and at high pressures using thermogravimetric technique (magnetic suspension microbalance).

Baca Juga:   Postgraduate Scholarship Position in Political Science

Candidates must have a Ph.D in physical chemistry, physics or chemical engineering. Knowledge of phase equilibria thermodynamics is required and good notions in adsorption and computing (such as Linux OS, C or Fortran programming) will be very appreciated. The candidate must have a good experience of experimental work, especially with high pressure gases and preferably on hydrogen. He (she) must be autonome, fast and have very good skills in written and spoken English. He (she) should also be able of collaborating with other young researchers and students.

Location : Ecole Nationale Sup´erieure de Techniques Avanc´ees (ENSTA ParisTech), Unit´e Chi-mie et Proc´ed´es, 32 Boulevard Victor, 75739 Paris, France. The ENSTA ParisTech engineering school occupies a privileged place in the French educational system, and is part of the small core of most famous engineering schools of France.

Baca Juga:   PhD Research Scholarship in Quantifying uranium minerals at RMIT University

Duration : This is a one-year contract, renewable for a total period of two years.

Salary : 2000 euros per month (taxes removed)

Contact : Send a detailed CV of several pages, with a description of the research topics, publi-cations, conferences, several references, and a cover letter to :

Dr Johnny Deschamps,
Email :
Tel : +33.(0)

