PhD Position in Functional Complex Oxide Heterostructures, Chalmers University of Technology

The underlying physics of these phenomena is not fully understood. Complex phase diagrams are governed by interplay between, e.g., charge, spin, strain, and doping, resulting in very different properties of oxides with similar crystal structure. The project addresses problems in fabricating functional, complex oxide structures and will develop basic understanding of their properties at an atomic scale. Great challenges are to control doping and vacancy profiles and to design new interfaces with desired properties. This may enable novel device platforms for electronics and energy production and harvesting.

-Applicants should have basic knowledge of condensed matter physics.
-Some experience in nano- or microfabrication technology is of advantage.

Baca Juga:   Meiji Jingu Japanese Studies Research Scholarships
Study Subject(s):Functional Complex Oxide Heterostructures
Course Level PhD
Scholarship Provider: Chalmers University of Technology

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