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Berita Kampus

Tes Dominasi Otak Kiri dan Otak Kanan

Setiap manusia memiliki dominasi otak. Entah itu otak kiri atau otak kanan yang lebih mendominasi. Yang menarik adalah setiap dominasi otak memiliki pengaruh yang besar dalam karakter, perilaku, menarik kesimpulan, sampai membuat keputusan.  Dalam garis […]

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Beasiswa S3

Three PhD Scholarship Positions in Demography

in history, anthropology or anthropological demography (PhD project 1) or a (Research) Master’s degree in history, demography, sociology or economics (PhD projects 2-3);• a strong statistical background (PhD projects 2-3) or experience with oral history […]

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Beasiswa S1

International Postgraduate Research Scholarship

The International Postgraduate Research Scholarships (IPRS) scheme is funded by the Australian Government and provides tuition fees to top quality international postgraduate students who wish to enrol in a research degree at Australian universities. Applications […]

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Beasiswa S3

PhD Scholarship Position in Philosophy of Law

The PhD project involves writing a dissertation on the following topic: ‘Human Rights and Human Duties: Assessing the Obligations entailed in Human Rights’. The research questions are:a. What is the exact relation between human rights […]