Master Scholarships in Space Science and Technology (SPACEMASTER)

SPACEMASTER -Joint European Master in Space Science and Technology

The Joint European Master in Space Science and Technology Scholarships are provided by the Erasmus Mundus Programme.

The programme offers scholarships in Europe for non-EU students. Students from non-Eu countries can apply for a scholarship of 24000 Euros per year.

In addition, students granted with an Erasmus Mundus scholarship get an insurance provided by the European Commission.

Erasmus Mundus scholarships are available for SpaceMaster applicants from third countries (non-EU), i.e.: nationals coming from all countries other than the 25 EU Member States.

The Excellent non-EU students without the Erasmus Mundus scholarship may have tuition waivers.

Baca Juga:   Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies Scholarhips, Erasmus Mundus, Europe

All students must have a good quality Bachelor’s degree in Engineering, Natural Science, Mathematics or equivalent qualifications (like Diploma Engineering studies in the third or forth year).

Students from non-English speaking countries are required to have passed TOEFL or IELTS test with specified results.

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