IED Master Course Scholarships in Fashion, Design, Visual Arts and Communication

Istituto Europeo di Design – IED is now the only international design educational network. It offers three-year post-secondary school courses, advanced courses and Masters.


Istituto Europeo di Design – IED international network grants scholarships.

IED Rome, IED Milan, IED Turin, IED Florence, IED Venice, IED Barcelona, IED Madrid grant 38 scholarships for attendance of master courses for the 2010-2011 school year.


10 full scholarships covering total tuition fee of academic year – the winners of 100% scholarship will pay only the enrolment fee.

28 partial scholarships covering 50% of the tuition fee of the academic year – the winners will pay the enrolment fee and 50% of tuition fee.

IED Communication

  • Master Professional in Strategic and Creative Management of Integral Advertising, in Spanish, IED Barcelona, one scholarship for the 100% of the tuition fees;
  • Master Research in Communication Design labs, in Spanish/English, IED Madrid, one scholarship for the 100% of the tuition fees;
  • Master Research in Strategic Design labs, in Spanish/English, IED Madrid, one scholarship for the 100% of the tuition fees;
  • Master Professional in Web 2.0: Design, Communication, Marketing and Advertising, in Spanish, IED Barcelona, one scholarship for the 50% of the tuition fees;
  • Master Professional in Brand Management and Communication, in English, IED Milan, one scholarship for the 50% of the tuition fees;
  • Master Professional in Arts Management in English,Venice, Florence, Rome two scholarship for the 50% of the tuition fees;

IED Visual Arts

  • Master first level in Visual Communication, in English, IED Rome, two scholarships for the 50% of the tuition fees;
  • Master Professional in Graphic Design, in English, IED Florence, one scholarship for the 100% of the tuition fees;
  • Master Professional of Design and Management of Artistic and Cultural Projects, in Spanish, IED Barcelona, one scholarship for the 50% of the tuition fees;
  • Master Professional in Graphic Design, in Spanish, IED Barcelona, one scholarship for the 50% of the tuition fees;

IED Design

  • Master first level in Design, in English, IED Milan, two scholarships for the 50% of the tuition fees;
  • Master Professional in Design Management, in English, IED Barcelona, one scholarship for the 100% of the tuition fees;
  • Master Professional in Interior design for commercial spaces, in English, IED Barcelona, one scholarship for the 100% of the tuition fees;
  • Master Professional in Environmental Design (Specialization in Sustainable Urban Design or Landscape Design), in English, IED Rome, one scholarship for the 100% of the tuition fees;
  • Master Professional in Yacht Design, in English, IED Venice, one scholarship for the 100% of the tuition fees;
  • Master Professional in Transportation Design, in English, IED Turin, one scholarship for the 100% of the tuition fees;
  • Master Professional in Sustainable Architecture, in English, IED Turin, one scholarship for the 100% of the tuition fees;
  • Master Professional in Design for Sport, in English, IED Turin, one scholarship for the 50% of the tuition fees;
  • Master Professional in Escenografía, in Spanish, IED Madrid, one scholarship for the 50% of the tuition fees;
  • Master Professional in Diseño de Iluminación, in Spanish, IED Madrid, one scholarship for the 50% of the tuition fees;
  • Master Professional in Interior Design, in English, IED Milan, two scholarships for the 50% of the tuition fees;
  • Master Professional in Product Design, in English, IED Milan, two scholarships for the 50% of the tuition fees;
  • Master Research in Product Design labs, in English/Spanish, IED Madrid one scholarship for the 100% of the tuition fees;
  • Master Research in European Design labs: Interdisciplinary Design, in English/Spanish, IED Madrid, one scholarship for the 50% of the tuition fees;
  • Master Research in Advanced Design for Transportation, in English, IED Turin, one scholarship for the 50% of the tuition fees;

IED Fashion

  • Master first level in Fashion, in Spanish, IED Barcelona, one scholarship for the 50% of the tuition fees;
  • Master first level in Fashion, in English, IED Milan, two scholarships for the 50% of the tuition fees;
  • Master Professional in Diseño de Accesorios de Moda, in Spanish, IED Madrid, one scholarship for the 50% of the tuition fees;
  • Master Professional in Shoe and Accessories, in Spanish, IED Barcelona, one scholarship for the 50% of the tuition fees;
  • Master Professional in Management for Luxury Goods (Specialization in Marketing or Retail), in English, IED Roma, one scholarship for the 50% of the tuition fees;
  • Master Professional in Fashion Communication (Specialization in Fashion Stylist or Fashion PR), in English, IED Milan, one scholarship for the 50% of the tuition fees;
  • Master Professional in Fashion Management (Specialization in Product Management or Retail Management), in English, IED Milan, one scholarship for the 50% of the tuition fees;
  • Master Professional in Fashion Design (Specialization in Product Manager or Fashion Designer) in English, IED Milan, one scholarship for the 50% of the tuition fees;
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This special project is open to all International candidates aged between 20 and 45 years old eligible by the below mentioned requirements: i.e. students not residing in Italy or Spain. Italian and Spanish students residing abroad are considered international and therefore allowed to participate.

Basic requirements for participants:

A) First Level Master Programs

Bachelor degree or a specialized three year diploma in any disciplinary area;

  • Detailed CV and motivation letter
  • Copy of the passport
  • Certificate of knowledge of language of tuition
  • project as described in the briefing

B) Second Level Master Programs (Professional and Research)

  • Bachelor degree or a specialized three year diploma in the area of the chosen Master program (fashion, design, communication, visual arts or management)
  • Detailed CV (working experience in related area is preferable)and motivation letter
  • Copy of the passport

Certificate of knowledge of the Language of tuition (TOEFL score 450 or IELTS mark 5.0 for English, or equivalent for Spanish)

  • Portfolio (just for Master courses in Design)
  • project as described in the briefing

Language Requirements

  • All candidates must have a good knowledge of the tuition language (high intermediate of the language in which the chosen course will be taught – English, Spanish).
  • For the Professional and Research Master programs, a TOEFL certificate or equivalent is required.
  • The school, through a telephone interview, may also assess the level of language knowledge.


  • IED employees and consultants are not admitted to this selection.
  • Each candidate may take part in only one of the categories of the special project for only one course.
  • The candidates participating temporarily in other IED special project for scholarships can not participate into this award.


Projects should be sent by e-mail to:, no later than 13th of September, 2010, 00.00 (Italian time).

The projects, which passed the first step of selection, will be published on the web site

In order to be published, projects should be presented in accordance to the terms described in section 6 and 7 of this regulation and must also include the identifying entry card attached. The projects without entry card will not be accepted. The entry card must be completed in all points including the full name, birth date, contacts, country of origin, previous studies, chosen course and city where the course will be held, the source of information (by who you are informed about the IED). Candidates indicating as a source the Internet search motors or the IED website, the IED employees will be considered as a direct contact of the school. Uncomplete entry cards are not valid.

We remind once more that you can choose only one course and one city, so you can send only one entry card. The change of the course is not allowed once the participant is registered across the entry card. Please, evaluate carefully your choice before eventually submitting the entry card.

Incomplete projects, which do not meet the requirements, or which do not have the elements referred above, or which contain wrong or unreadable data, or sent after 00.00, 13th of September 2010 (Italian time), will not be considered valid. Once the participant has sent the project and passed the first step, the project cannot be modified or changed any more. The project and related documents should be sent in one email preferably.

The participants guarantee to follow the below indicated compulsory conditions for submission of the projects:

  • The project must be created and realized only by the participant presenting it.
  • The project must be original and cannot be subject of a copy or plagiarism.
  • The project must not be under any property or royalty rights, or copyrighted.
  • The projects cannot contain offensive, violent context against the human rights or dignity, otherwise such projects will be rejected.

The jury may, unquestionably, exclude from the selection any project that does not comply with the above terms.

IED does not assume any responsibility for conditions that are not imputable to it and that shall compromise the project remittance, such as: losses or delays due to electronic devices.

The applicants authorize the use of their personal data to be used in compliance to the law D.L. 196, dated June 30, 2003.

The material remitted by the applicants will not be returned and may be used freely by IED, without any economic charges.

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The projects published on the web site will be object of comments, public appraisals and voting exclusively for statistical aims.


The project evaluation will be conducted by a jury made of: 4 principals (or school representatives) of Design, Visual Arts, Fashion and Communication Schools.

The evaluation will be made by the jury judgment, unquestionably. The IED representatives in your county or in Spain and Italy may call the authors of the best projects for an interview. The winners will be notified by email or telephone by the IED representative. The winners must send a formal acceptance letter by e-mail to, within three days after the result is received. If the winner fails to meet this requirement, the scholarship will be automatically considered as ‘refused’ and the jury may decide, unquestionably, to grant it to another applicant. After the applicant accepts the scholarship, he/she will have a 10-day deadline to enroll the course for which the scholarship was granted.

The jury may decide unquestionably not to assign the scholarship for one or more courses, if the level of the project received for those program will be considered unsatisfactory.


Any eventual dispute will be sent to a unique judge nominated in accordance to both parties, or in case of disagreement, by the Chairperson of Milan’s Camera di Commercio, Industria e Artigianato. The conciliation without any judicial intervention will happen in Milan. The judge will decide 120 days after the dispute is opened. Both parties must be willing to fulfill the judge’s decision immediately.


The selection theme is: “My City”.

IED calls young creatives to develop ideas and projects describing ‘your city’: this can be the city where you were born, a city that you visited and that became your ideal one, the city from where your family originally comes, the city where you would like to live or have lived, the city that constitute for you a symbol of historical, artistic and cultural development and human achievement, the city of the future, where all the human beings will live in freedom or even the city of your dreams, a place that you can create with your imagination.

You can also be inspired by special events currently happening in your city, like in Istanbul (World capital of Culture 2010), the celebrations for the 50th anniversary of the foundation of Brasilia…

For each IED area a briefing has been defined.

Applicants must develop the theme relating to Master course area they wish to apply for the scholarship; the choice of the element to design or describe depends on the course you chose and, when available, on the specialization you prefer.

In the section n. 7 you will find the technical details to present your projects, depending on the level of the Master program you chose.


Master first level in Design, Master Professional in Design Management, Master Professional in Interior design for commercial spaces, Master Professional in Environmental Design (Specialization in Sustainable Urban Design or Landscape Design), Master Professional in Yacht Design, Master Professional in Transportation Design, Master Professional in Sustainable Architecture, Master Professional in Design for Sport, Master Professional in Escenografía, Master Professional in Diseño de Iluminación, Master Professional in Interior Design, Master Professional in Product Design, Master Research in Product Design labs, Master Research in European Design labs: Interdisciplinary Design, Master Research in Advanced Design for Transportation.

Depending on the program of your choice:

design a space, an exhibition, an illumination system, a shop, an office (Interior and Light Design area, Escenografia);

design an object, connected or no with sports (Product, Design for sports);

design a car, a byke, a yacht, a train (Transportation and Yacht Design);

create a building or an urban space (environmental design, Sustainable Architecture);

ideate a design solution or strategy (Design Management, European Design Labs);

all the proposed design elements must represent ‘Your City’ and its history, people,tradition, characteristics, future perspectives.

For the Master program of Design – first level, you can chose to focus on one of the options mentioned for the above areas.


Master Professional in Strategic and Creative Management of Integral Advertising, Master Research in Communication Design labs, Master Research in Business Design labs, Master Professional in Web 2.0: Design, Communication, Marketing and Advertising, Master Professional in Brand Management and Communication

Briefing: bring into expression your city, make an advertising or marketing campaign to promote it, design an event for it, create a brand inspired by your city, describe its life/existance using the communication tools you prefer, or building your own social and relationship network (blog, website or personal account on MYSPACE®, facebook group …) where you can share images, newsletters, opinions about your city.

Baca Juga:   [beasiswa] [INFO] Salary positions for doctoral researchers


Master first level in Visual Communication, Master Professional in Graphic Design, Master Professional of Design and Management of Artistic and Cultural Projects, Master Professional in Graphic Design, Master Professional in Arts Management

Briefing: express yourself designing a visual communication tool, such as a promocard, a poster, a video, some illustration drawings, an interactive exhibition, a 3D animation, some motion graphics, a photogallery or other, depending on the course of your choice, which represent or characterize your city, its identity, or justifies the fact of being your favorite one.


Master first level in Fashion, Master Professional in Diseño de Accesorios de Moda, Master Professional in Shoe and Accessories, Master Professional in Management for Luxury Goods (Specialization in Marketing or Retail), Master Professional in Fashion Communication (Specialization in Fashion Stylist or Fashion PR), Master Professional in Fashion Management (Specialization in Product Management or Retail Management), Master Professional in Fashion Design (Specialization in Product Manager or Fashion Designer).

Briefing for the Area of Fashion Design or Fashion Accessories Design: design a piece of clothing, a dress, some shoes, a jewel, some fashion accessories or anything connected with Fashion which represents or characterize your city.

Briefing for the Area of Fashion Communication: describe or create a trendy style or fashion image, or a public relation network which could be created in your city, inspired or not by an already existing fashion trend;

Briefing for the Area of Management: create a Fashion event or a Fashion marketing campaign or strategy with the tools you prefer for your city.

For the Master program of Fashion – first level, you can chose to focus on one of the three options mentioned for the above areas.



Step 1. Click here to compile identifying entry card form online (compulsory)

Step 2. Send by email to the following documents, depending on the program of your choice:

A) First Level Master Programs

Bachelor degree or a specialized three year diploma in any disciplinary area

  • Detailed CV and motivation letter
  • Copy of the passport
  • Certificate of knowledge of language of tuition
  • PROJECT: at least one picture, photo, video frame or drawing, which displays your idea in JPG, JPEG format, pdf or equivalent format, 1000 pixels minimum width, height of image as your project require (72dpi in file size up to 1mb); you can also send in alternative an audio or video file 60 seconds max length; please mention the MASTER of your choice, the TITLE of the project and join a DESCRIPTION in .doc format, 30 lines maximum

B) Second Level Master Programs (Professional and Research)

  • Bachelor degree or a specialized three year diploma in area of fashion, design, communication, visual arts or management;
  • Detailed CV (working experience in related area is preferable)and motivation letter;
  • Copy of the passport;

Certificate of knowledge of the Language of tuition (TOEFL score 450 or IELTS mark 5.0 for English, or equivalent for Spanish)

  • PROJECT: at least 10 pictures, photos, video frames or drawings, which display your idea in JPG, JPEG format, pdf or equivalent format, 1000 pixels minimum width, height of images as your project require (72dpi in file size up to 1mb); you can also send in alternative an audio or video file 60 seconds max length; please mention the MASTER of your choice, the TITLE of the project and join a DESCRIPTION in .doc format, 30 lines maximum
  • Portfolio (just for Master courses in Design)

PORTFOLIO description for Master Programs in Design, Professional and Research level, including Design Management

It must include:

  • Thesis project with a short explanation (in English language) including abstract, research, sketches and computer works (2D and 3D), technical drawings and photos about physical models (if any);
  • University Project with a short explanation, (in English language) including abstract, research, sketches and computer works (2D and 3D), technical drawings and photos about physical models (if any);
  • A project developed during Professional Experience (optional).
  • The portfolio should be in pdf or equivalent format and not more than 10 megabytes (compulsory).

PORTFOLIO description for Master courses in Fashion, Professional and Research Level

It must include a complete book with a brief explanation, in English language, with a minimum of 15 drawings (both pattern making and technical drawings with elements of materials and colors) and with images of final dresses.

The portfolio should be in pdf or equivalent format and not more than 10 megabytes (compulsory).

