[Denmark] Postdoc in Ultrafast dynamics in quantum dot waveguides at DTU Fotonik

Postdoc in Ultrafast dynamics in quantum dot waveguides at DTU Fotonik

The Nanophotonics Theory & Signal Processing group seeks a postdoctoral candidate to work on the experimental characterisation of pulse propagation and ultrafast dynamics in photonic crystal and quantum dot semiconductor waveguides.

The position is part of a large research project (QUEST) financed by the Danish Research Councils, which explores the possibilities of quantum dot technology in combination with slow light effects to enhance the properties of opto-electronic devices or realize novel functionalities. The project comprises modelling, fabrication in DTU`s clean room Danchip and experimental characterisation. The successful candidate will thus work closely together with theoreticians and fabrication experts to explore the physics of these structures as well as their application potential.

Baca Juga:   Oxford Brookes University PhD Studentship 2011 in the Departments of Marketing, UK

The candidate will in particular be working in our femtosecond laboratory, where pump-probe techniques are used to characterize pulse propagation properties and ultrafast carrier dynamics in semiconductor waveguides.

The position is available from October 1, 2010 or as soon as possible. Depending on the background of the candidate, the position may be for one or two years with possibility for further prolongation.

Candidates must hold a PhD degree in physics or engineering and have a strong background in experimental photonics, preferably including practical experience on femtosecond laser techniques and semiconductor devices.

Salary and terms of employment
The appointment will be based on the collective agreement with the Confederation of Professional Associations. The annual salary of a postdoctoral candidate starts at approximately 375,000 DKK (50,000 EUR) + pension 17.1%. The allowance will be agreed with the relevant union.

Baca Juga:   Beasiswa S1 S2 dan S3 Pemerintah Turki

Further information
Further information may be obtained from Professor Jesper Mørk, e-mail jesm@fotonik.dtu.dk.

You can read more about DTU Fotonik on www.fotonik.dtu.dk.

Application procedure
We must have your online application by September 3, 2010. Please open the link “apply for this job online” and fill in the application form and attach your application and CV. The material that should be given consideration in the assessment must be attached.

All interested candidates irrespective of age, gender, race, religion or ethnic background are encouraged to apply.
