[beasiswa] [oot] The Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting Travel Grants

Dear rekan2,

Semoga bermanfaat 🙂

The Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting provides travel grants to cover hard costs associated with upcoming travel for an international reporting project. Our ideal project offers print, photography, radio, and video.

*We are not currently accepting submissions for video-only projects.

A common misperception of the Pulitzer Center is that we are primarily seeking “conflict” reporting. This is not the case. Our definition of “crisis” is broad. We see great value in covering the too often under-reported systemic level crises, from environmental issues and struggles for resources or human rights abuses, to post-conflict reconstruction, or brewing ethnic tensions. We are interested in the stories that would typically not make the headlines without our support.

Request for proposals: Sudan in transition

Terms of travel grant:

The Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting funds international travel costs associated with reporting projects on topics and regions of global importance, with an emphasis on issues that have gone unreported or under-reported in the mainstream American media.

The amount of individual travel grants will depend on the specific project and detailed budget planning. Most awards fall in the range of $2,000 to $10,000 but depending on project specifics may be as much as $20,000.

On approved projects, half of the grant amount is generally paid just before travel and the remainder on submission of the principal material for publication or broadcast. Specific grant terms are negotiated during the application process.

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Proposed projects must include a credible plan for broad dissemination of the resulting work in U.S. media (print and/or broadcast). Applicants should be able to demonstrate interest from editors and/or producers working in wide-reaching U.S. media outlets. See below for eligible outlets.The credibility of a distribution plan is generally most evident in an applicant’s track-record working with the listed outlets. Please do not have editors send letters simply stating they would consider the work. Letters from editors and/or producers who have worked with you in the past, and are interested in working with you again, are encouraged.


The Pulitzer Center is increasingly seeking multi-media projects that combine print/photography and video to explore the issues. We encourage applicants to create partnerships with others and propose a complimentary suite of deliverables. If you are only working in one medium, you may still apply. 


Grants are open to all journalists, writers, photographers, radio producers or filmmakers; staff journalists as well as free-lancers of any nationality are eligible to apply.

How to apply:

Applications should be submitted by email to info@pulitzercenter.org. 

*Even if you are submitting sample materials via hard copies, electronic versions of the proposal MUST also be e-mailed to this address or else they will not be considered.

Applications must be received in English.

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Applications should include the following in the body of the e-mail:

  • A description of the proposed project, including distribution plan, in 250 words or less to be included in the body of the e-mail.

  • A preliminary budget estimate, including a basic breakdown of costs. Travel grants cover hard costs associated with the reporting, please do not include stipends for the applicants. Fixer/translator/driver fees are acceptable;

  • Three links to samples of work if available online (if not available, please attach to the e-mail; video samples can be sent by mail to below address in DVD format);

  • Three professional references. These can be either contact information, or letters of recommendation (can be attached or sent separately). The latter is encouraged when letters from interested producers or editors are available.

  • As attachment: Curriculum vitae;

(Note: Applications may also include a more detailed description of project but this will be considered as optional supplement only. The most important part of the submission is the 250-word summary.)

Deadline: Rolling

Within a week of your submission, you should receive a confirmation of receipt. 

Typically applications that are received in a given month receive a response by the end of the following month, with an emphasis on making Pulitzer Center projects as timely and newsworthy as possible. 

If your proposal requires immediate attention, please note why in your cover letter.

Address for mailing hard copies and DVDs:

*Remember to also send the electronic versions toinfo@pulitzercenter.org.

Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting
1779 Massachusetts Ave., NW
Suite 615 
Washington, DC 

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Frequently Asked Questions:

1) What outlets do you consider “wide-reaching?”

The Center is seeking to reach the widest possible audience in the United States, therefore we typically look for platforms with circulation and/or broadcast numbers of at least 50,000 or more. Online-only outlets will also be considered, but we prefer to see this combined with a traditional print publication and/or on-air broadcast.

2) Are foreign language publications in the U.S. sufficient?

Yes, however they must meet the above criteria within the U.S., and materials for our site and all correspondence with the Center must still be in English; therefore fluency in English is required from at least one member of the team.

3) Are English language publications/broadcasts that are not disseminated in the U.S. sufficient for the distribution plan?

No. Once approved, we encourage dissemination in as many outlets as possible, including abroad, but to be considered for the travel grant, the Center will need to see a plan for dissemination in the U.S. as well.

Ananda Setiyo Ivannanto

A Wing International
Media and Public Relations Executive
Global Business Development Department

Master of Science in International Cooperation Policy
Bachelor of Business Administration in Asia Pacific Management
Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University

“I help, therefore I exist”
“I serve, therefore I exist”

