[beasiswa] [oot] KONGRES GURU INDONESIA 2010








20 -21 May 2010 – BALAI KARTINI, JAKARTA


Mempersiapkan para Pend id ik dalam perubahan Dunia:

Pend id ikan untuk Pembangunan berkelanjutan


Preparing Educators for a Changing World:

Education for Sustainable Development


Main Activities

  1. Two-day Congress
  2. Exhibition for Donors and Educational Institutes


Some speakers, who will be invited include:

·    Prof. Dr. Baedhowi – Director General, Directorate General for Quality Improvement of Teachers and Education Ministry of National Education the Republic of Indonesia

·    Dan Hoynacki – Sustainable Communities Coordinator, Oregon State University United States of America

Baca Juga:   Kelas Karyawan UBM Universitas Bunda Mulia

·    Dav id Sampson – Education Officer for ESD, Minister of Education Namibia

·    Prof. Dr. Emil Salim – Former Minister of Environment Republic of Indonesia

·    Prof. Dr. FG. Winarno – Rector, Atma Jaya University Jakarta

·    John Timothy Denny, Ph.D. – Consultant, UNESCO Thailand

·    Dr. Mae Chu Chang – Lead General Educator, World Bank Indonesia

·    Mathieu Pinkers – Executive Director Land and Water International Programme, Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality Netherland

·    Ronald Stones – Director, Green School Bali

·    Shivani Jain – Senior Programme Coordinator, Centre for Environment Education (CEE) India

Baca Juga:   ASEAN Scholarships for Indonesia by Ministry of Education, Singapore

·    Sumarna Surapranata, Ph. D. – Director of Coaching Education and Training, Directorate General for Quality Improvement of Teachers and Education Ministry of National Education Republic of Indonesia

·    Suryo W. Prawiroatmodjo – Founder, Center of Environment Education – UNEP and Rolex Award Winner

·    Ulrich Klingshim – Chairman, Hanns Se id el Foundation Germany


Text Box: PARTICIPATION FEE 1. Congress for Participants Rp 600.000,- / participant (For 2-day seminars, workshops, sharing sessions excludes accommodation). 2. Education Exhibition for Donors and Educational Institutes Rp 6.000.000,- / booth (For 2-day education exhibition)




Gedung Sampoerna School of Education Lt. 4

Jl. Kapten Tendean No. 88C, Jakarta 12790

Tel          : +62 21 577 2275 ext. 7287

E-mail    : kgi@sampoernaeducation.ac.id

Website : www.sf-teacher.org /

                   www.sampoernaeducation.ac. id







Baca Juga:   Bls: [beasiswa] [butuh info] TOEFL IBT - Nama Agak Berbeda Apa Jadi Masalah - Ada Nama Keluarga




