Title: Postdoctoral position in Bioimage Informatics
Postdoctoral research positions are available in the Computer Vision and Pattern Discovery Group, Bioinformatics Institute, Singapore. We are a multi-disciplinary research group working on the analysis of bio-images, in particular but not restricted to, cellular images acquire through wide-field and confocal microscopes. Our vision work includes, object recognition, tracking, segmentation and machine learning. Interested individuals with the following research skills are preferred:
(1) Strong background in computer vision and machine learning.
(2) Experience and versatile in programming. For example in generic, functional and object oriented programming paradigms.
(3) Familiar with applied mathematics. Includes but not limited to knowledge in optimization, computational geometry and linear algebra.
(4) Background in biology *not require* however, candidate should be interested in learning basic domain knowledge.
(5) Good communication skills and a team player.
Applications can be made through email to:
Hwee Kuan Lee, leehk@bii.a-star.edu.sg
Computer Vision and Pattern Discovery for Bioimages
Imaging Informatics Institute
Bioinformatics Institute, A*Star, Singapore