[beasiswa] (OOT) (JOB) Postdoctoral position in Bioimage Informatics @ A*Star Singapore

Title: Postdoctoral position in Bioimage Informatics



Postdoctoral research positions are available in the Computer Vision and Pattern Discovery Group, Bioinformatics Institute, Singapore. We are a multi-disciplinary research group working on the analysis of bio-images, in particular but not restricted to, cellular images acquire through wide-field and confocal microscopes. Our vision work includes, object recognition, tracking, segmentation and machine learning. Interested individuals with the following research skills are preferred:


(1) Strong background in computer vision and machine learning.


(2) Experience and versatile in programming. For example in generic, functional and object oriented programming paradigms.

Baca Juga:   A*STAR Undergraduate National Science Scholarships, Singapore


(3) Familiar with applied mathematics. Includes but not limited to knowledge in optimization, computational geometry and linear algebra. 


(4) Background in biology *not require* however, candidate should be interested in learning basic domain knowledge.


(5) Good communication skills and a team player.



Applications can be made through email to:

Hwee Kuan Lee, leehk@bii.a-star.edu.sg

Computer Vision and Pattern Discovery for Bioimages

Imaging Informatics Institute

Bioinformatics Institute, A*Star, Singapore


