[beasiswa] Klaus J. Jacobs Research Prize

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Moga bermanfaat 🙂



Klaus J. Jacobs Research Prize

The Klaus J. Jacobs Research Prize for Productive Youth Development in the amout of 1 million Swiss francs honours outstanding scientific work with high social relevance for the personality development of adolescents and their successful integration as functional and socially adept members of society. In line with the foundation’s mission, the findings of the prizewinner’s interdisciplinary research should be actively implemented in social and political practice.
The Klaus J. Jacobs Research Prize for Productive Youth Development awards outstanding scientific contributions of individuals from all disciplines aiming at the improvement of young people’s development and perspectives worldwide.
All documents pertaining to the nomination should be submitted to the offices of the Jacobs Foundation by 30 April
Incomplete nominations or documents received after this date will not be considered.
A complete nomination consists of the following documents:
  • Completed nomination form
  • 1-2 page appraisal of the academic accomplishments of the nominee, making clear what the nominee’s scientific breakthroughs have been, especially with Productive Youth Development, why the nominee deserves the prize more than his or her talented peers, and how the nominee would bring further distinction to the Klaus J. Jacobs Research Prize
  • Full list of publications as included in nominee’s CV as well as evidence of his or her scientific leadership (such as direction of a research program, scientific committee, leadership role in a scientific society, and the like)
  • Information regarding possible future academic plans, fields of interest, and aspirations of the nominee

Call for Nominations (283KB)

Baca Juga:   STIE Muhammadiyah Bandung

Nomination Form (472KB)

Nominations can be submitted by mail or email to: Jacobs Foundation Seefeldquai 17 P.O. Box 8034 Zurich Switzerland. Email: award@jacobsfoundation.org

Moreinfo: http://award.jacobsfoundation.org/en/call-for-nominations/

Ananda Setiyo Ivannanto

A Wing International
Media and Public Relations Executive
Global Business Development Department

Master of Science in International Cooperation Policy
Bachelor of Business Administration in Asia Pacific Management
Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University

“I help, therefore I exist”
“I serve, therefore I exist”

