[beasiswa] [info] The Nestlé Foundation for the Study of Problems of Nutrition in the World

The Nestlé Foundation for the Study of Problems of Nutrition in the World was established in 1966 by a donation by the Nestlé Company on the occasion of its centenary. The Foundation is independent and self-constituting and is managed by a Council consisting of at least 5 internationally well-known scientists as Council Members. The Foundation is and has been financially and operationally independent of the Nestlé Company since its inception. The offices of the Nestlé Foundation are in Lausanne, Switzerland.

Research Topics : At present the Foundation’s work is primarily concerned with human nutrition research issues dealing with maternal and child nutrition, including breastfeeding and complementary feeding, macro- and micronutrient deficiencies and imbalances, interactions between infection and nutrition, and nutrition education and health promotion.

Baca Juga:   van Oord MBA Scholarship, Switzerland

How to apply : Interested scientists should first submit a “Letter of Intent” in which they describe very briefly the kind of project they would like to undertake, including an estimated budget. Instructions for the letter of intent are available on the Foundation website at www.nestlefoundation.org. For a submission of a letter of intent only the downloadable form on our website should be used. Applications are accepted all year round, and the Foundation encourages applicants to submit their proposals as early as possible to allow sufficient time for internal as well as external reviews. All submissions should be made electronically by e-mail using a MS Word File (doc). Letter of intent can be submitted at any time.

Baca Juga:   Jim Ellert MBA Scholarships 2010 at IMD Business School, Switzerland

Deadline for submission January 10th (latest announcement of the decision Mid-late April, earliest possible grant starting date Mid-late May), and May 10th (latest announcement of the decision Mid-late September, earliest possible grant starting date Mid-late October).

