[beasiswa] [info] PhD Studentship in the School of Health – University of Bath

PhD Studentship in the School for Health

“Motivational Responses To Physical Activity And Dietary Policies: Translating Success From The Smoking Context”

University of Bath – Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Applications are invited for a full-time studentship at the University of Bath (starting October 2010).


The research will take a theory-based approach to exploring the potential to translate strategies found to be successful in reducing smoking prevalence in the UK, to tackling obesity.  With obesity levels continually rising, this studentship provides the opportunity to conduct novel and original research in an important and highly topical area.  In particular, the research will explore how current social policies to promote physical activity and a healthy diet are perceived and interpreted with respect to motivation for behaviour change. The research will take an interdisciplinary approach combining psychological and social policy perspectives.

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The successful applicant will conduct their research within the School for Health and the UK Centre for Tobacco Control Studies under the academic supervision of Dr Fiona Gillison and Professor Linda Bauld.

Research setting:

The School for Health houses research groups from a broad range of disciplines including sport and exercise science, psychology and health, providing students with a vibrant and varied perspective on their research area. The successful applicant will also have the opportunity to join the UK Centre for Tobacco Control Studies (UKCTCS), and develop links with a community of researchers working on tobacco control at a national level.  As part of the wider graduate school in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, students will have access to skill development courses, research student seminars and conferences, and access to research seminars and colloquia.  Eligible students (i.e., possessing a Stage 1 qualification) will have the opportunity to work towards their Stage 2 qualification in Health Psychology alongside their studies.

Baca Juga:  

 Role Description:

Within the broad area of research outlined, the details of the research work programme will be designed together with the successful candidate. Duties will include:

  • successfully completing a PhD thesis
  • contributing to the School for Health research activities including research presentations and publications
  • being an active member of the postgraduate student group and wider department


  • A good first degree (upper second or first – or equivalent) in a Health or Social Science related discipline.
  • A strong understanding of theories of behaviour change.
  • Practical experience of methods of quantitative analysis.
  • A desire to work towards long-term goals and ability to meet deadlines.
  • Good verbal and written communication skills, and IT literate.
  • Have an acceptable English qualification (e.g. GCSE, IELTS etc).

Graduates with experience and/or a Masters degree are particularly welcomed. Current final year undergraduates are also eligible to apply.

Fees and stipend:

The successful candidate will be supported for 3 years at research council rates (approximately £13,400 stipend for 2010-2011 plus UK/EU tuition fees).  Overseas students outside EU are eligible to apply, however they must be able to fund the additional amount due for overseas tuition fees (please enquire for details).

To apply

Application forms can be downloaded from http://www.bath.ac.uk/prospectus/postgrad/docs/appnform.pdf and completed application forms should be returned to the Graduate Office, University of Bath, Bath, BA2 7AY. Or you can apply on-line: https://secure.bath.ac.uk/prospectus/cgi-bin/applications.pl

Please use Section 7 of the application form to outline your motivation for wanting to undertake research including this particular area of research (maximum of one side of A4).

In addition, please send a copy of your CV to mpsdjd@bath.ac.uk

Closing Date: 28th April, 2010

Informal enquiries can be addressed to Fiona Gillison, e-mail: (f.b.gillison@bath.ac.uk or 01225 384387).

Further information about the School for Health is available at: http://www.bath.ac.uk/health/

