Berikut saya teruskan informasi mengenai beasiswa S3 untuk bidang pengelolaan sumber daya air.
Semoga bermanfaat.
Candra Samekto
forwarded message>>>>
Yth. Bapak/Ibu/Sdr/Sdri,
Berikut saya teruskan mengenai info beasiswa S3 di Univ. of Yamanashi
Japan, 2011.
Seperti biasanya, bagi pendaftar dari Indonesia seleksi akan dilakukan di
Universitas Brawijaya (interview atau teleconference).
Keterangan lanjut bisa dilihat pada poster terlampir atau website:
Semoga info ini dapat disebarluaskan bagi yang berminat dan dapat
dimanfaatkan sebaik-baiknya.
Mohon maaf bila tidak berkenan.
Terima kasih.
Dian Sisinggih,
Teknik Pengairan-UB
——– Original Message ——–
From: mari <marikok@yamanashi.ac.jp>
Date: 2010/12/7
Subject: UY-GCOE special doctoral course application 2011
To: singgih@ub.ac.id
Cc: GCOE-LSL <coe-leader-ml@yamanashi.ac.jp>
Dear Dian san,
CC: GCOE Leader and Sub-Leaders,
As we announced at UY-GCOE international symposium, this year’s
application for our GCOE special doctoral course has opened.
On behalf of GCOE professors, I would like to ask for your kind
cooperation to this application.
Could you share the application details on our website?
The application deadline is 25 December, 2010 and we hope many
applicants from Indonesia and would like to have an interview at UB, too.
We would be grateful if you can suggest us some available periods in
January for the interview on your side.
We are looking forward to your kind response.
Thank you very much.
Mariko Kato
Global COE Secretariat
International Research Center for River Basin Environment
Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Medicine and Engineering
University of Yamanashi
4-3-11 Takeda, Kofu Yamanashi
400-8511 Japan
::TEL +81-55-220-8603
::FAX +81-55-253-4915
::MAIL marikok@yamanashi.ac.jp
The International Special Doctoral Course for
Integrated River Basin Management,
Global COE Program
University of Yamanashi
Tentative Qualifications (Qualifications in effect will be fixed soon)
(1) Age: Applicants must be born after the 1st of April 1976 for MEXT full scholarship.
No age limitation for RA job of UY-GCOE program.
(2) Academic Background: Applicants must meet either of the following.
(a) Students have/will have a Master’s degree in a foreign graduate school by September 30, 2011.
(b) Students are recognized by University of Yamanashi as having an academic level the equivalent
of or higher than a Master’s degree.
(3) Language: Good English for reading, writing and communication is required.
(4) GPA: Over 3.2 is desirable for MEXT scholarship as well as RA.
(5) Enrollment: October 2011
(6) Nationality: Applicants must be from a country officially recognized by the Japanese Government
as of October 1, 2011.
University of Yamanashi 主催:山梨大学
Professor(s) , Research field,[Proposed project]and Requirement for students
Suetsugi: Development and application of hydraulic model[Study on prediction of inundation by flood simulation model] Understanding of flooding phenomena, Basic knowledge of flood simulation model.
Ishidaira: Hydrology[Development and application of hydrological model] Good skill of mathematics and computer programming and knowledge of hydrology.
Ichikawa: Hydrology and Hydraulics[Hydraulic and Hydrologic Modeling and its Applications to Water Management] Good skill of mathematics and computer programming and knowledge of hydrology and hydraulics.
Magome: Hydro-Infomatics[Surface water monitoring using satellite observations and its integration to distributed hydrological model] Skill and Interest of GIS, Remote sensing, Database and Hydrological modeling.
Kazama: Water Environment and Treatment [Water Quality Assessmentand modeling (by using stable isotope)] [Small scale water treatment for developing countries] Knowledge on water quality and/or biological water treatment.
Nishida: Environmental Dynamics[Analysis of microorganisms in groundwater] [Development of transport model of microorganisms/DOC in river systems] Skill&knowledgeof numerical simulation, ArcGIS, analysis&fieldsurvey of water quality.
Kobayashi: Remote Sensing[Ocean color remote sensing for Asian coastal waters] Applicants who has good mathematics skill, computational skill and field measurement experience.
Haramoto: Microbiology[Occurrence of waterborne pathogens in environmental water in developing countries] Applicants who are interested in the field of health-related water microbiology.
Kaneko: Solid Waste Treatment[Composting of Biological Waste] Fundamental skills of solid waste quality analysis and programming by MS Visual Basic are required.
Mori: Environmental bio-engineering[Analysis of microbial communities in the phytoremediationsystem] Applicants who are interested Tanaka in biological remediation techniques including phytoremediationwith good skill of microbial and chemical analysis.
Ooyama: Regional Planning and landscape Design[A study on the regional land use formation that avoid disaster by learning to traditional landscape] Applicants who clear the following conditions; interested in Japanese landscapedesign, Japanese history and culture; experience of fieldwork, interview and literature review; good skill of Japanese.