Apologies for any cross-posting.
Aretha Aprilia.
The Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) offers research
positions – subject to final authorization of project funds. Applications should
be send to Johann Grüneweg, Email:grueneweg [at] pik-potsdam.de (Postal address
see below).
The successful applicants will be involved in the research on climate change
mitigation and adaptation policies. This research activity is led by the
Research Domain Sustainable Solutions chaired by Prof. Dr. Ottmar Edenhofer, who
also serves as IPCC Co-chair of Working Group III on Mitigation of Climate
PIK is an internationally renowned research institution in the areas of climate
change, climate policy and climate economics, and provides excellent support for
developing a career in these areas. As a leading institution on integrated
assessment modeling of climate change, PIK provides successful applicants the
opportunity to participate in a series of international comparison studies.
Please visit our homepage at
We offer six doctoral positions. Salary is according to E13/2 TV-L. A good
command of written and spoken English is requested from all applicants for the
doctoral positions.
1. PhD student (ref. ap/02, 3 years; prospective initial date: January 2011)
Climate impacts on land and water use
The position will focus on the further development of a global land use model,
including biophysical linkages such as climate change impacts on agricultural
yields, greenhouse gas emissions from land use and land use change, and the
carbon and water cycle. Background in applied economics, geography, ecology,
geo-ecology, applied mathematics or physics is needed; experience in economic
modeling(preferably with GAMS) is an advantage.
For further information, contact Dr. Alexander Popp (popp [at] pik-potsdam.de).
2. PhD student (ref. ap/03, 3 years; prospective initial date: January 2011)
Climate impacts and economic damages
This position involves the further development of a global land use model,
including macroeconomic and energy linkages as well as socio-economic impacts of
global changes at global, EU and macro-regional level. The model framework will
be applied to assess climate change damages, adaptation and mitigation options
in the agricultural sector. Background in agricultural, resource or development
economics, geography or applied mathematics is needed, complemented by
experience in mathematical programming (preferably with GAMS).
For further information, contact Dr. Alexander Popp (popp [at] pik-potsdam.de).
3. PhD student (ref. ml/01, 3 years; prospective initial date: January 2011)
Climate change mitigation and globalization
This dissertation project deals with the representation of the macroeconomic
system and its interfaces in integrated energy-landuse-economy-climate-models. A
particular focus is put on modeling international trade, foreign investments,
global food markets and the strategic behaviour of representative agents. This
work is linked to the further development of the global multi-region model
REMIND. We expect candidates to have quantitative training and interest in
applied modelling. A background in economics, environmental sciences, physics,
or a related field with a strong interest for inter-disciplinary research is
required; experience in economic modeling (preferably with GAMS) is an
For further information, contact Dr. Marian Leimbach (leimbach [at]
4. PhD student (ref. ek/04, 3 years; prospective initial date: January 2011)
Coupled energy-economy-climate modeling
This position is linked to the EU project on Robust Assessment of Climate
Mitigation Pathways and Costs. The successful applicant will work with the
coupled energy-economy-climate model REMIND at PIK, with a focus on studying
incomplete carbon markets and carbon leakage. She or he will also contribute to
the model comparison exercises in the project. The work will include numerical
modeling and empirical analysis. This position requires a degree
in environmental sciences, physics, economics, or a related field, a strong
interest for inter-disciplinary research, and expertise in quantitative methods;
experience in programming (preferably with GAMS) is an advantage.
For further information, contact Dr. Elmar Kriegler (kriegler [at]
5. PhD student (ref. gl/01, 3 years; prospective initial date: Spring 2011):
Energy efficiency and climate change mitigation
This dissertation project deals with the further development of the global
multi-region integrated energy-economy-climate-model REMIND with a focus on the
representation of energy demand and the analysis of the role of energy
efficiency improvements for achieving ambitious climate policy targets. We
expect candidates to have quantitative training and interest in applied
modelling. A background in physics, engineering, environmental sciences,
economics, or a related field with a strong interest for inter-disciplinary
research is required; experience in economic modeling (preferably with GAMS) is
an advantage.
For further information, contact Dr. Gunnar Luderer (luderer [at]
6. PhD student (ref. kl/01, 3 years; prospective initial date: Spring 2011)
Modeling cooperative climate policy
The position will focus on modeling cooperative climate policy with special
attention to diverging interests of nation states to participate in
international climate agreements, e.g. due to differences in national costs and
benefits, incentives to free-ride, or due to differences in the respective
governments’ objectives. The appointee will explore policy instruments and
treaty design to foster international cooperation using analytical and numerical
solution approaches to economic models of climate agreements. Background in
applied economics and mathematical modeling is needed; knowledge of political
economy and international relations as well as experience in economic modeling,
applied system science, and numerical optimization (preferably with GAMS) is an
For further information, contact Dr. Kai Lessmann (lessmann [at]
The Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research seeks to increase the number
of women in those areas where they are underrepresented and therefore explicitly
encourages women to apply. Applications of disabled persons with equal
qualifications will be favourably regarded.
Applicants should submit a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, certificates,
relevant publications, and a letter of recommendation. Please understand that we
only send back the documents, if an addressed and post-payed envelope is
Deadline for Applications: Until positions filled
Applications should be sent to: Johann Grüneweg, Email: grueneweg [at]
pik-potsdam.de, Postal address: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research,
P.O.Box 601203, 14412 Potsdam. Electronic submissions are encouraged.
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