[beasiswa] [info] PhD on Science-Policy interface on Environmental Assesments

PhD Position: Reflection on Environmental Assessments

Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC) – Assessments and Scientific Policy Advice

The Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC) Berlin is seeking a highly talented and motivated PhD student interested in working in an interdisciplinary environment that explores uncharted scientific and policy-related territory.

The mission of MCC is to create and advance theory as well as policy for sustainable governance of global and local commons and climate change. Research is driven by policy relevance and is regularly interdisciplinary in nature. MCC is a joint initiative of the Stiftung Mercator and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK).

MCC is unique in organizing its research efforts around the production of assessment reports. Based on excellent research, these reports will analyze alternative future pathways for the governance of global commons and the associated critical tradeoffs faced by society.

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Research Tasks
The MCC Working Group “Assessments and Scientific Policy Advice” (ASP) seeks one PhD student to advance research on the following area:

Towards a science of assessment-making: Meta-study of assessment reports at the science-policy interface

Scientific assessment processes and reports enable structuring scientific knowledge and science-policy interactions. At the same time, assessments face serious challenges in providing reliable, well-communicated, and policy-neutral but policy-relevant aggregation of scientific knowledge. The task for the PhD student is to develop a theoretical and normative framework for assessment-making and its evaluation. This will particularly involve analyzing and evaluating previous assessment reports, but also reflecting existing or developing novel models of the science-policy interface. Results of this research shall inform and improve future MCC assessments processes about the management of global commons.

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The successful candidate has a strong interest in interdisciplinary research and features a background in political sciences, sociology or philosophy. Ideally, this is combined with a basic understanding of natural sciences, engineering or economics. Experience in science-policy interaction and related research is an asset.

Suitable candidates will hold an excellent Master’s Degree (or equivalent) in one of the just mentioned disciplines. The successful candidate is able to demonstrate the potential for excellence in research in the above-mentioned research area. She or he has a good command of written and spoken English, is highly motivated, open-minded and willing to work as a team player in an interdisciplinary context.

Salary for the PhD position is according to Germany’s E13 TV-L (50 % position, 3 years). MCC is an equal opportunities employer and is committed to achieving workforce diversity.

Baca Juga:   [beasiswa] [OOT] Yuk Berbagi Motivasi Beasiswa di motivasibeasiswa.org

The desired starting date is September 2012. Early applications are strongly encouraged as applications will be evaluated on an ongoing basis until the position is filled.

The application should include a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, copies of university certificates (indicating all taken courses and grades), relevant publications, and one academic letter of recommendation.

Please send applications via email to Dr. Christian Flachsland at christian.flachsland@mcc-berlin.net by clicking Apply Online below.

For a more detailed description of this job offer and for more information on the MCC and the Working Group “Assessments and Scientific Policy Advice” please visit our website (www.mcc-berlin.net).

Closing Date: 06 August 2012

