[beasiswa] [info] PhD in Loughborough University – Mathematics Education Centre

Postgraduate Studentship Opportunity

Loughborough University – Mathematics Education Centre

Are you interested in the teaching, learning and assessment of mathematics or mathematically-based subjects at university level ? Would you like to join a vibrant and internationally renowned group at the forefront of teaching and learning developments in higher education ?

The Mathematics Education Centre (MEC, http://mec.lboro.ac.uk) has funding to offer a full-time three year studentship to a well-qualified applicant wanting to carry out research in an area related to the interests of its staff. These include: developing mathematics teaching at university level, undergraduate mathematics and mathematical identity, the development and evaluation of mathematics support, engineering mathematics – curriculum development and innovation, enhancing learning and teaching using technology. A full list of research interests can be found here: http://mec.lboro.ac.uk/pages/research_interests.html. With world-wide growth in the numbers of students taking courses in science, technology, engineering and mathematics – all of which are underpinned by mathematics –  now is an exciting time to be at the forefront of developments in teaching and learning.  How we teach and support students, how and what they learn, and how emerging technologies can support learning and teaching are key areas of interest. The MEC is an internationally renowned centre of teaching, learning and support. Being part of a School of Mathematics, it has strong collaborative links with the Department of Mathematical Sciences and as such is well-placed to research and impact directly upon higher education practice. With a growing number of academic staff and research students the MEC provides a vibrant, supportive community with a wealth of experience upon which to draw.  For more information, browse our website, or read our leaflet for prospective students.

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Entry Requirements

All candidates must have (or expect to gain) a good honours degree (usually at least 2.1) in Mathematics, Education, Psychology or a related discipline. Essential for success are good English language skills, both oral and written. We welcome applicants from the EU and Overseas who are fluent in English (this can be demonstrated via a number of different qualifications).  The successful applicant will be expected, with support, to study relevant research literature, attend appropriate training to fill gaps in their preparation and develop their general skills, identify research questions and take the lead in designing and conducting studies to investigate these questions.  They will also be expected to take a full part in the research life of the Centre, participating in research seminars and reading group sessions, giving presentations and seeking funding to attend conferences. Applicants should submit the following:

  • A one-page CV summarising relevant experience and skills.
  • A one-page cover letter describing their reasons for wishing to undertake PhD study in their chosen area and the personal qualities that they will bring.
  • A two-page essay on one or more issues affecting learning in undergraduate mathematics.

Submitted materials will be assessed for coherence, clarity and relevance.

Informal contact is welcome prior to any formal application. Professor Tony Croft (maacc@lboro.ac.uk) will be happy to talk through opportunities and direct applicants to potential supervisors. You may contact potential supervisors directly). Formal applications can be made online.

Closing date: 30th April 2010.

Stipend: This is currently £13,290 plus fees at UK/EU rate.

