Level: PhD
Duties: Research
Specialty Areas: General Linguistics
The University of Manchester is offering a range of awards for students starting
On PhD research in September 2012 to which candidates working on topics in
Linguistics and English Language are eligible to apply. The three main awards,
Which comprise a fee-bursary and a maintenance grant, are ESRC studentships in
Linguistics, an AHRC studentship in Linguistics or English Language, and the
University-funded President’s Doctoral Scholar Awards. In addition, the School
Of Languages, Linguistics and Cultures will offer a number of PhD fee bursaries.
Please visit http://www.llc.manchester.ac.uk/postgraduate/funding/ for details
On these awards.
Manchester is an international centre for Linguistics and English Language. The
Department is virtually unique in the UK and beyond in the breadth of subject
Areas and theoretical approaches represented by its members, many of whom are
Internationally renowned scholars in their specialisms. The Department of
Linguistics and English Language is expected to consist of 16 full-time members
Of staff in September 2012, and approximately 25 postgraduate research students.
The Research Assessment Exercise 2008 has judged more than half of Linguistics
And English Language work to be in the top two research categories of 4*
(‘world-leading’) and 3* (‘internationally excellent’). Our research page at
http://www.llc.manchester.ac.uk/subjects/lel/research/ provides information on
The specific research interests of academic staff and links to their individual
For informal inquiries about the academic side of the application process,
Please contact
Dr Martina Faller at m.faller@manchester.ac.uk
For questions about the administrative side of the application process, please
Ms Rachel Corbishley at Rachel.Corbishley@manchester.ac.uk
Application Deadline: 15-Feb-2012
Mailing Address for Applications:
Attn: Ms Rachel Corbishley
School of Languages, Linguistics and Cultures
The University of Manchester
Manchester M13 9PL
United Kingdom
Web Address for Applications: http://www.llc.manchester.ac.uk/postgraduate/apply/
Contact Information:
Dr Martina Faller