Hi there,
my name is Marianne from the students’ association ISWI e.V. and we are happy to inform you that the application for our next “International Student Week in Ilmenau” in 2011 is now open.
Please spread the news that application can begin via www.iswi2011.org. The deadline for application is JANUARY 15th 2011.
The ISWI 2011 is a students conference and will be held from May 13th to May 22th 2011 here in Ilmenau. It focuses on the topic of “freedom” following the motto “crossing borders”.
After voting your applications on the basis of your essays, we will invite about 400 young people from all over the world.
In lectures, discussions, group work, debates and workshops we will discuss various aspects of freedom and try to find solutions to change things for the better in the world.
If you get invited, you have to pay for travel and visa costs. Food (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and accomodation is supplied by us.
For more information please take a look at the information on our website mentioned before.
Although you may not be a student anymore, we would be very thankful, if you could forward this information to your friends and other people possibly interested.
It would help us a lot.
We are curiously waiting for your application.
Best regards,
ISWI 2011 Organisation Committee
International Student Week in Ilmenau 2011
“crossing borders”
13th to 22th May 2011
topic: Freedom
DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION: 15th of January (may be extended till 31st of January)
website: www.iswi2011.org
e-mail: questions@iswi.org