[beasiswa] [info] International prize studentships for PhD research 2010 – Scottish Informatics and Computer Science Alliance

International prize studentships for PhD research 2010

Scottish Informatics and Computer Science Alliance

The Scottish Informatics and Computer Science Alliance (http://www.sicsa.ac.uk) is a collaboration of leading Scottish Universities whose aim is to work together to consolidate and extend Scotland’s position as an international research leader in computer science and informatics. As part of this, the Scottish Graduate Academy in Informatics and Computer Science offers up to 20 international prize studentships per year to outstanding candidates who wish to study for a PhD in Scotland.

These studentships are open to excellent students from any country. There are no residency or citizenship requirements. We will consider applicants in any area of computer science and informatics but may give preference to students who are working in SICSA theme areas (http://www.sicsa.ac.uk/themes)

Baca Juga:   PhD Scholarshp Position in Geochemistry at Stockholm University

Next-generation Internet

Multi-modal interaction

Modelling and abstraction

Complex systems engineering

SICSA prize studentships are worth around £18, 000 per year for 3 years. They include support for living expenses of at least £12, 940, research expenses and a contribution towards postgraduate fees at the UK standard Home/EU rate (currently £3400). Students who are not UK/EU residents must pay the higher overseas student fee of around £11,500 per year. However, if you are awarded a SICSA studentship, you may apply to the admitting university for additional support to cover the difference in fees. The award of a SICSA studentship does not guarantee such support.

Students must have or must expect to be awarded a 1st class honours degree, an MSc with Distinction or equivalent GPA scores. Your degree must be in a discipline that is relevant to your proposed field of research.

Baca Juga:   [beasiswa] [INFO] PhD scholarship at the Institute for Environmental Sciences (Landau/Pfalz, Germany)

For more details of how to apply for a SICSA prize studentship, see the SICSA web pages (http://www.sicsa.ac.uk/graduate-academy/prizestudentships/applying-for-a-sicsa-prize-studentship).

Applicants for international prize studentships MUST complete an application for postgraduate admission to their preferred university as well as a SICSA studentship application. If you donʼt complete both a university application and an online SICSA application then your studentship application will not be considered.

Applications must be received by 30th April 2010. We will tell you as soon as possible after this date if you have been awarded a studentship. Our aim is to make all offers by early Mid June 2010.

Baca Juga:   PhD position in Applied Bioinformatics at Wageningen University & Research Centre (WUR), Netherlands

