Three PhD positions in theoretical chemistry /physics are available starting between October 2012 and March 2013. The EU-funded 3-year European Industrial Doctorates have very attractive salary and benefits conditions. The three years will be equally spent between Amsterdam, recently elected most attractive city to live in Europe, and Bremen with a gorgeous UNESCO world heritage historical city center.
The subjects of the three PhD projects are:
1) Ground state molecular dynamics: implementation, testing, and optimization (linear scaling) of established ground state ab initio MD methods (BOMD, CPMD, P propagation).
2) Excited state dynamics: implementation of Liouville-von Neumann MD (LvNMD) and time-dependent DFT-MD (TDDFT-MD) for thermally and electronically excited systems
3) QM/MM excited state dynamics: implementation and application of hybrid TDDFT-QM/MM to study photochemistry of biophysical systems.
Day-to-day guidance in method development in Amsterdam will be by the highly experienced development staff of Scientific Computing & Modelling, SCM, while scientific guidance will be by Prof. Thomas Heine (Jacobs University Bremen) and Prof. Luuk Visscher (VU University Amsterdam).
Key requirements for the successful candidates are:
• Method & software development skills: the ability to quickly grasp complex mathematical ideas and turn them into clean and efficient (Fortran) source code
• MSc in a relevant field, or to be obtained soon (e.g. theoretical physics, quantum chemistry)
• Willingness to relocate from Amsterdam to Bremen or v.v. after 18 months
A full description of the projects, benefits, requirements, and application procedure can be found on
Send your application by e-mail to SCM’s CEO, Dr. Stan van Gisbergen (vangisbergen at scm dot com) by 30 August 2012 at the latest.