[beasiswa] [INFO] 23 PhD Fellowships at University of Rome 1 “La Sapienza”, Italy

Ph.D. Schools of the University of Roma La Sapienza

Call for Applications to fellowships and admission
of Foreign Nationals Educated Abroad
Academic Year 2010-2011

1. Announcement

The University of Rome “La Sapienza” offers twenty three year full-time postgraduate PhD positions with fellowship for attaining the degree of “Dottore di Ricerca” (PhD) in the Doctoral Schools listed in appendix.

Each fellowship amounts to € 19.800,00 per year; this amount includes national insurance contributions (INPS) that fellowship recipients are required to pay (8,91% for 2010).

The fellowship doesn’t cover the annual entrance fee.
The PhD Programme lasts three years and may be extended to a fourth year (without grant), subject to approval by the School authorities. At the end of the first and second year of attendance, students have to be evaluated as proficient according to the rules of the Schools.

2. Admission requirements

Applications are opened to candidates who:
 are not Italian citizens;
 are not residents of Italy;
 have obtained an academic qualification abroad by a non-Italian institution which satisfies the entrance requirements for admission to the Doctoral Programme, i.e., a degree equivalent to the Italian diploma di laurea/laurea specialistica/laurea magistrale, or expect to obtain it before 31 July 2010. The equivalence of each qualification to the relevant Italian degree will be ascertained (for the sole purpose of this competition) by the Academic Board of the Schools.

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3. Selection and admissions

Applications will be evaluated on the basis of the documents listed in 5.2. Successful applicants will be assigned to a Doctoral School.
Each Doctoral School will decide in which Programme (within those belonging to each School, see enclosure) to enrol the candidate on the basis of both his/her preferences and interests.

4. Attainment of PhD

Students must attend the courses and the seminars offered by their Programme, pass the related examinations, and prepare a PhD dissertation, which must have original results.
The PhD title is obtained at the end of the third year after the candidate dissertation and its positive evaluation made by an independent Jury appointed by the Rector. The discussion may
be delayed with the approval of the School authorities, but not for more than one year.

5. Applications and deadline

To submit the application candidates should e-mail to the address of the School of their choice (see Schools Directors e-mail list, enclosed):

5.1 a completed and signed application form available on the website page:
5.2 the following supporting documents:
 a photocopy of their identity card or passport;
 Curriculum vitae et studiorum in English;
 a copy of degree certificate and list of exams with marks;
 a declaration of advanced knowledge of English language;
 a report on any research carried out by the candidate (if any);
 a list of publications (if any);
 any further qualification and information the candidate wishes to be taken into account;
 a brief statement explaining his/her Doctoral School choice;
 a description of the candidate’s scientific interests;
 an outline of their short research project (if any).
 two letters of reference by university professors or eminent researchers/experts of equivalent status; such letters must be sent directly to the Directors of the Schools (see e-mail addresses, enclosed).

Baca Juga:   [beasiswa] [BUTUH INFO] Beasiswa P3SWOT

The deadline for submission of the application and supporting documents above listed is 31 May 2010.
The University may exclude at any time candidates lacking admission requirements.

6. General rules

Doctorate fellowships are incompatible with any other one granted by Italian or International subjects.
Fellowships cannot be awarded to candidates who have already (either entirely or partially) benefited from a similar grant to attend a PhD Course provided by an Italian University or by an International Institution.

7. Operational indications

The list of winners, and of those who may be considered as eligible if places become free, will be published on the official web-site:
within 30 June 2010.
Successful applicants will find the indication of the deadline for accepting the fellowship on the above mentioned short list.
Further instructions to complete the enrolment in the academic year 2010/2011 will be e-mailed only to the winners successively.
Formal certificates of the declared academic qualifications and transcripts of the academic curriculum should be sent upon awarding of the fellowships no later than 10 September 2010.

Baca Juga:   Two PhD Positions in Hybrid Knowledge Representation at Örebro University

Rome, 23 April 2010







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